5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Indian Traditional Toys from Desi Toys

Mar 09 , 2021

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Indian Traditional Toys from Desi Toys

Every year, lots of companies introduce new toys and games for children of different ages. Most of these toys are nothing but just pieces of low quality plastic. Some of the toys are too noisy and some have been designed without any purposes. But still, these toys grab the attention of your kids and you can end up spending a lot of money without receiving any educational value or any benefit from the toy.

But here we have the best name in the Kids’ toys industry “DESI Toys”. Toys & games from this brand have a lot more to offer to the children.Here are 5 reasons Why You Should Buy Traditional Indian Toys from Desi Toys.

Their toys are timeless

When you buy toys online there are only a few toy sellers who are offering wooden toys. And wooden toys have been popular for centuries. Our grandpa and great-grandpa were playing & learning from wooden toys. Toys from Desi Toys have different colors and designs but still have the same traditional feel and offer the same educational value that kids have been reaping for generations.

Their toys are ageless enjoyed by everyone

Desi Toys are classic iconic toys. These toys have passed the test of time making them so popular even today and hence every generation enjoys playing with them right from a toddler to a 99 years old making them truly ageless toys enjoyed by all.

Their toys are safe

Here you don’t have to worry about the safety of your children because their toys are designed to be safe. These toys are non-toxic, no sharp edges, and big in size to be safe for your small children. Recently all our toys have received ISI marking which assures superior quality, safety and durability.

Their toys are skill enhancing

‘Desi Toys’ help in enhancing skill sets like  improving concentration, strategy building, logic building, hand-eye coordination, physical development and may more which makes them so popular even today to play.

Encourage interaction

Most of these toys generally require two or more kids to play. On the other hand, electronic toys that have different types of sound effects often encourage single play because kids get the interaction and reactions they desire from the toy itself. So, especially wooden toys from Desi Toys are best for encouraging interaction between kids enhancing their social skills.